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How to write#

8-week Coursera course on Writing in the Sciences (not a lot of work) (

Reference management#

Zotero ( is highly reccomended.

Naming convention for word documents#

Just a few lines for outlining good practices when exchanging files for abstract or paper submission. Here is the model we should use: YourLastName_TargettedJournal/Conference_Date_InitialsPersonwhoCorrected


If David Bowie sent his last paper for the journal RollingStones on 06.08.18 and Olivier (Collignon) comments it the day after: David sent: Bowie_RollingStones_18-08-06 Olivier sends back to David: Bowie_RollingStones_18-08-07_oc

If we got rejected and submit to MickeyMag few days after: David sent: Bowie_MickeyMag_18-08-08 Olivier sends back to David: Bowie_MickeyMag_18-08-09_oc

If we dont know yet where to submit because we are out of options at the moment, this will be: David sent: Bowie_InPrep_18-08-08 Olivier sends back to David: Bowie_InPrep_18-08-08_oc

For a conference / event (e.g. headlining Rock Werchter): David sent: Bowie_Wechter_18-08-08 Olivier sends back to David: Bowie_Wechter_18-08-08_oc

This will massively help keeping track of things and avoid reading version that are not up to date.



Using Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs) within the Materials and methods section to help promote the identification, discovery, and reuse of key research resources. Here are some of the common ones. Feel free to add more (for suggestions, check:

Stimulus presentation#

  • Presentation (RRID:SCR_002521)
  • Psychtoolbox (RRID:SCR_002881)
  • PsychoPy (RRID:SCR_006571)


  • FSL (RRID:SCR_002823)
  • SPM12 (RRID:SCR_007037)

high-res MRI#

  • cbs tools (RRID:SCR_009452)
  • MIPAV (RRID:SCR_007371)
  • JIST (RRID:SCR_00888)



Use the following sentence This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No [number] attributed to OC.


In order to create coherence across papers and because most of the histograms we typically include in our papers have 2 colors: Patients (blind, moebius, deaf, etc.): Orange: RGB: 255.158.74, ​​HEX: #FF9E4A Controls: Turquoise: RGB: 105.170.153, HEX #69AA99

Affiliation for authors of the CPP lab#

Please make sure to have your right affiliation written in your publications: Crossmodal Perception and Plasticity Lab, Institute of Research in Psychology (IPSY) and Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS), Université Catholique de Louvain, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Contribution to papers#

To list authors's contribution in your paper, refer to this structure: Make sure to put Olivier as corresponding author for financial reasons (reduced fees).

This link can help you defining your author’s list: In short, four conditions should be met to include someone as a co-author : 1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND 2. Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND 3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND 4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.


Pre-submission checklist:#

  • is your data online and FAIR (Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable)?
  • is your code online and accessible?
  • did you post a pre-print?
  • did you update the CPP lab’s website with a link to the preprint? (check with Jacek)

Post-acceptation checklist:#

Update: - [ ] the lab’s website - [ ] research gate - [ ] your ORCID account - [ ] your DIAL account

But don't forget to also think of: - [ ] writing a press release (check with Olivier) - [ ] social media thread (e.g twitter, bluesky) with the relevant hashtags and accounts (ADRE, UCLouvain, Louvain Bionics, IPSY, IONS)


Check the romeo database of journals to know the different journals policy regarding green, gold and other type of open access publishing.


Make sure you put your paper on BioRxiv ( or PsyArXiv ( pre-print servers. More and more journals are accepting them, but some dinosaurs are still reluctant about pre-prints. Check the journal guidelines before submitting. In case you're asked to make many changes during the submission, or in case of a re-submission, you can also update your preprint. TIP: subscribe to the daily emails from Biorxiv, or follow them on twitter / bluesky, to keep up wiht the latest pre-prints in your field (this can be more than 6 months before the e-publication in a journal).

Open-data platforms#


  • GIN ( is the platform mostly used in the lab to store havey datasets and analyses. We have a lab account, as well as a lab brewery for work-in-progress datasets.
  • OSF ( can be a valid alternative, mostly when you want to make your dataset public.


  • Openeneuro ( for raw data sets organized as a Brain imaging data structure. It offers the possibility to run quality control (MRIQC) and preprocessing (fMRIprep) on the cloud.
  • Neurovault ( for statistical maps at the group or individual level and for ROI

DIAL "Digital access to libraries - Research Publications"#

How to add your research production (publications/speech/poster/etc). on the online library: login here and follow these instructions. In case of problems contact

Press release / Communiqué de presse#

It is always better, in UCLouvain, to send a communication in French to the francophone press, as it's more impactful. An Wnglish versionis however still helpful to have for the translated pages of the website.

Contact: Isabelle Decoster, responsable presse UCLouvain Tél. +32 (0)10 47 88 70 - +32 (0) 486 42 62 20 -

More info on how to format them (all in french):

Possibly get in touch with Science Today the outreach outlet of UCLouvain

Spread the word to IPSY, ADRE, IONS IPSY: Nadine Fraselle: Nadine Fraselle IoNS : Sophie Yernaux