To connect to the eduroam network : you can use your uclouvain address as identification and your UCLouvain password.
Getting your UCLouvain email address (for external grants)#
If you are not directly paid by the university or a grant associated to it (eg. FNRS), so for instance if you are a WBI grant holder, you might need to set up your UCLouvain email adress yourself. To do so you first need to be registered as an invited researcher by the GECO. You can contact Santina Bongiovanni santina.bongiovanni@uclouvain.be . They should give you your FGS number (“n° de matricule FGS” in French). You can then enter your FGS number as well as your birth date at this link https://sites.uclouvain.be/sgsi-apps/newaccount/prod/index.php?main=depart&stvl=en and that will give you your email address !
Printer setup#
Keys + access card#
Book a room at UcL#
Follow this link: https://sites.uclouvain.be/reservation-psp/week_all.php?area=4 For a room, select “Salles de réunions” in the left panel. For audiovisual equipment, select “Audiovisuel & informatique” in the left panel. Then click on the day and time you want to book, confirm the booking. You will receive a confirmation by email. code of rooms
Connect to UCLouvain network with a VPN#
This is useful if you are not working inside UCLouvain internet network and you need to e.g. access not open access articles and/or ssh to a computer of the lab or the CECI clusters. https://intranet.uclouvain.be/fr/myucl/services-informatiques/vpn.html
Matlab license for experimental computers#
If you are working with an experimental computer to provide stimulation and you need a matlab license (there are no “alternatives” as for le Poulpe’s computer), there are several options. 1. Use the online matlab license provided by IPSY - through the UDS platform. 2. Matlab license from other Olivier's affiliation ask Olivier 3. Buy a Matlab license from UCLouvain - 100€/year/license. To introduce a request, follow this link and connect with UCLouvain credentials : https://uclouvain.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/create/65