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Lab meetings#

(person in charge: Eleonore Giraudet)

Regular lab meeting#

At the moment, they happen every thursday at 10:30. Here you can find the calendar and here the main gdrive folder where we archive relevant files.

Journal club#

They happen once a month, here you can propose and/or pick up a paper to be discussed.

One slide meeting#

The one slide meeting is once a month, the lab is divided in 3 batches [see here] and 1 batch will present alternatively. Each person is invited to present for ~10 minutes 1 slide and the main goal is to update the lab about his/her scientific/project progress.

Method meeting#

A method meeting does not necessarily happen during the Lab Meeting (LM) schedule. It is called by someone who wants to discuss a specific topic that can be of interest for everyone or only a part of the lab (e.g. a software package, fMRI analysis, running a tutorial on how to use data management). Attending a method meeting is usually not mandatory if the topic is not of your interest.